Keynote speakers

Sigurður Yngvi Kristinsson

Researcher unique identifier: M-2910-2015
Date of birth: May 16th 1973
Nationality: Icelandic
Google Scholar:  

2009-2012       Postdoc at Karolinska Institute/Karolinska University Hospital
2009   PhD in hematology June 2009: “Population-based studies on familiality and prognosis in patients with hematological malignancies”: Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. Supervisor: Magnus Björkholm MD, PhD
2007    Specialist in hematology – Karolinska University Hospital, July
2006   Specialist in internal medicine – Karolinska University Hospital, September
2000   Graduated from medical school from the University of Iceland
1993    Graduated from College in Reykjavík

2012 –            Professor in Hematology at the University of Iceland
2012 –            Senior registrar at department of Hematology, Landspitali University Hospital
2016 –            PI for the iStopMM (Iceland screens, treats, or prevents multiple myeloma) Current research group includes 24 researchers, technical and support staff.

2010 – 2012 Senior registrar, Hematology Centre, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, from October 2010 to August 2012 (50% research)
2007 – 2010  Clinical hematologist, Hematology Centre, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

2018    Brian Durie Outstanding Achievement Award from International Myeloma Foundation
2015    Outstanding researcher award, Þórður Harðarson and Árni Kristjánsson research fund
2009   Awards for best academic thesis in hematology in Sweden 2009
2003   Award for best teacher for medical students at the Karolinska University Hospital 2003
1998    Award for best scientific contribution from a medical student at the Icelandic Medical Congress

2009 – 2017 Supervised 4 PhD students (4 completed), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
2014 –            Supervision 10 PhD students (5 completed), University of Iceland, Iceland

2012 –            Professor in Hematology at the University of Iceland

Selected appearances as invited speaker at major hematological conferences and events in recent years.
2022   ASH Annual Meeting Scientific Program, New Orleans, Louisiana
2021    ASH Annual Meeting Scientific Program, Atlanta Georgia
2021    IMF IMWG Summit – International Myeloma Working group
2021    Heidelberg Myeloma Workshop, keynote speaker
2021    iwMyeloma Virtual Workshop
2021    European Myeloma Network Meeting
2020   11th annual IMWG summit 2020
2020   ESH: 5th Translational Research Conference
2019    UK Myeloma Forum (UKMF) Spring Day, Central London
2019    Genomic Predispositions to MGUS, International Myeloma Workshop, Boston
2019    ASH – IMF Black Swan Meeting, Orlando
2018    International Myeloma Working Group, Turin
2017    16th International Myeloma Workshop, New Delhi Indi
2017    Mini-myeloma Symposium, Frankfurt Germany
2017    Conference with Chinese Hematologists and Patient & Family seminar,
Guangzhou China
2017    Russian Onco-Hematology Society conference on Malignant Lymphoma, Moscow Russia
2017    ASH Workshop Epidemiology, Atlanta Georgia

Regular reviewer for several major hematological and internal medical journals, such as Blood, Blood Advances, Haematologica, Blood cancer Journal, and others.

The PI is on the steering board of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group (which conducts RCT in MM in the Nordic countries), a faculty member of the biannual IWWM, Organizer for the NMSG meeting in 2012, an active member of the International Myeloma Working Group, the Black Swan research Initiative, the American Society of Hematology, the European Hematology Association, the Swedish hematology Association

Several national and international collaborators, such as the Karolinska Institutet (Professor Magnus Björkholm), Memorial Sloan Kettering (Professor Ola Landgren), Mayo Clinic (Professor Vincent Rajkumar/Shaji Kumar), National Institute of Health (Ruth Pfeiffer), Spain (Alberto Orfao and Bruno Paiva) as well as most hematology units in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

More than 120 publications in peer reviewed medical journals, more than 200 abstracts at medical conferences. A total of 18,131 citations, and a h-index of 64 (Google scholar 28.05.2024).

Full list of publications:  

Sigurður Ólafsson

Sigurður Ólafsson


Sigurdur Olafsson is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iceland Faculty of Medicine and Director of Hepatology in the Division of Gastroenterology,

Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland. Dr. Olafsson received his Medical Degree from the University of Iceland in 1985.He completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital and Case Western Reserve University in 1991 and a fellowship in gastroenterology and hepatology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago in 1994.  

Since returning to Iceland, Dr. Olafsson has been a consultant in gastroenterology and hepatology, since 1998  at the University Hospital in Reykjavik.  Dr Olafsson was named  Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iceland in 2009.

Dr. Olafsson  is currently the Treasurer of the Icelandic Society of Internal Medicine and the President of the Icelandic Society of Gastroenterology.  He has also been elected  Fellow of the American College of  Physicians and Honorary Fellow of the European Federation of Internal Medicine.

In recent years, Dr. Olafsson has directed a nationwide hepatitis C treatment program in Iceland.

ásbjörg Ósk Snorradóttir


Asbjorg Osk Snorradottir is Specialist in Pathology Research at the Department of Pathology, University Hospital of Iceland, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland and Director of Clinical Development at Arctic Therapeutics. Asbjorg was the Head of the Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland from 2021-2023.

Asbjorg finished BSc in Biomedical Science in 2005 and PhD in Medical Life Science at The Medical Faculty, University of Iceland in 2017. The PhD project was done at the Institute for Experimental Pathology at Keldur in collaboration with Mathias Jucker lab, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tubingen, Germany.

Asbjorg has extensive research experience in the pathogenesis of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathies (CAA). Her focus has been on Hereditary Cystatin C Amyloid Angiopathy (HCCAA) for the last 19 years and she has been the leading researcher in HCCAA. She has made important pathological discoveries that have deepened the understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease. These studies have been published in prestigious journals.

Since 2017, she has worked with Dr. Hákon Hákonarson – the founder of the US-based Center for Applied Genomics and drug discovery and development company Arctic Therapeutics. Their collaboration has focused on developing a new amyloid therapy for HCCAA in Iceland and related CAAs, as well as expanding their scope to transition the treatment into Alzheimer’s disease. This collaboration has laid the groundwork for evaluation of the effectiveness of a new treatment – AT-001, which was recently approved for a phase IIb/III registration study by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to treat patients diagnosed with HCCAA.



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